Little Miss Party

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A backyard picnic

I spend the school year as an Uber driver to my children. I schlep them from activities, to play dates, to tournaments, trips, you name it. During the summer time, they go to sleep away camp so I have the summer OFF which truthfully…is quite nice. While they are off creating the most special memories with their camp friends, I’m hosting MY friends in the backyard. I spend most of my summer entertaining at home since so much of the school year I’m out and about AND because I just love my backyard so why be anywhere else?!

Today, I have friends coming over for cocktails so I set up a “picnic” for us to enjoy in my outdoor lounge. I covered the coffee table with a round beach blanket and I set out mini cutting boards that my friend Lisa had gifted me with charcuterie and cheese.

We have owned this house for 10+ years now so the trees in the backyard have really matured and are so tall you feel as though you’re in the forest. It’s pretty cool to be surrounded by so much folliage and the lush garden that we have.

I have outdoor speakers in the backyard which is a must in my mind especially when you’re hosting. I just love having a good playlist going on in the background when I have guests over.

Now it’s time to pour up some rosé and enjoy my friends.

Enjoy what’s left of this summer! It’s going by way too fast for me.