DIY Fall Flower Crown


With Halloween approaching, the LMP team knew it was necessary to come up with a *killer* costume to celebrate. This whole "Day of the Dead" trend totally speaks to us, so naturally we had to hop on board. Our friend Sheila agreed to join the fun with providing amazing sugar skull makeup while I worked with Natalie on creating amazing fall floral crowns that would add the perfect pop of color to our Halloween Party in a Box setup.


Here's what you'll need:

1. Floral Wire

2. Floral Tape

3. Fake Flowers in autumn colors

4. Fake Greenery

5. Wire Clippers

Watch and LEARN! (See all steps listed below the video)


1. use your floral wire to measure the circumference of your head

2. clip your wire and twist the ends together

3. secure the connection with floral tape

4. clip and organize your greenery and florals for assembly

5. add the greenery to the crown and secure with floral tape

6. add various flowers throughout the crown and secure with floral tape


We can't wait to share more photos with you from our Halloween Party Photoshoot with our favorite costumes ever! Stay tuned this week for more spooky fun.

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