Little Miss Party

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DIY Floral "Mom" Letters

Mother's Day is an important holiday to the whole team at LMP; some of us are mothers, and the rest of us are always looking for a reason to celebrate ours. I wanted to make something special this year as a decoration for the perfect Mother's Day breakfast.

Here's what you need: M & O cardboard letters (we got ours on Amazon!) Fake Flowers Hot Glue Gun Exacto Knife

Step 1: Use the Exacto knife to slice around the edges of the letters.

Step 2: After cutting all the way around, remove the top portion and the support boards inside to create a hollow shape.

Step 3: Begin gluing your strand of flowers inside the letters by tracing around the edge, using glue every 1-2 inches. Repeat along the insides of the letters until full.

Step 5: Remove any excess flowers and fill in the gaps. Now you're ready to style them into any Mother's Day Celebration!

I know I can't wait to spend time with my mom this weekend. Giving her something I made with my own hands is just an added bonus.