Little Miss Party

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Ready, Set, Weekend with The Garden of Eatin'

Okay, listen to me. I know exactly what you're thinking. I have completely lost my mind and need to be taken to “Ombré” rehab. Well yes, I may be a teensie bit obsessed with color gradations in food. I can't help it and again I blame my addiction to Pinterest. Who would have ever thought that a virtual scrapbooking website would cause me to create things that I really don't have to do. For example, on a chilly Sunday morning when everyone in the household hovers around the kitchen to see what's for brunch, do I really need to make pancakes in 5 separate bowls so that they are pretty to photograph and eat? Why of course I do. The boys in the hood just have to deal with the ongoing antics of thegardenofeatin now. Tough least they reap the benefits of the end result.....which is pretty yummy ombré food to stuff in their faces. These pancakes are certainly a twist on the normal Aunt J's. Flashback to 1965. I was only 6 years old and wished my mother was Aunt Jemima. I have no idea why I wanted her to be a large woman, with a red and white schmata (rag) on her head cookin' up stacks and stacks of pancakes in our kitchen. You're wondering when my weirdness started to emerge? I think it was around June 21, 1965. CRAP I'm old. Let's get back to how to color code a flapjack... GOE - Carrot, Blood Orange & Beet Juice Pancakes with Greek Yogurt Glaze For the Batter: 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons sugar 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 3 cups buttermilk 1 tbls each Carrot Juice, Beet Juice and Blood Orange Juice for color - Mix equal parts in separate bowl – Note: This is totally not necessary to do this step but I wanted to and it actually added some extra kick to the pancakes. 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus 1/2 teaspoon for griddle Greek yogurt glaze: 1 cup vanilla or plain Greek yogurt 1/2 cup icing sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract Mix well until you get a nice drippy glaze consistency Heat griddle or electric frying pan to 375 degrees. Whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar in a medium bowl. Add eggs, buttermilk, and 4 tablespoons butter; whisk to combine. Batter should have small to medium lumps. Heat oven to 175 degrees. Test griddle by sprinkling a few drops of water on it. If water bounces and spatters off griddle, it is hot enough. Using a pastry brush, brush remaining 1/2 teaspoon onto griddle. Wipe off excess.

Divide your pancake mix into separate bowls and tint each layer with 1 drop juice in first bowl, 2 drops in the second, 3 drops etc. Leave one bowl untinted. Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, pour pancake batter, in pools 2 inches away from one other. When pancakes have bubbles on top and are slightly dry around edges, about 2 1/2 minutes, flip over. Cook until golden on bottom, about 1 minute.Repeat with remaining batter, keeping finished pancakes on a heatproof plate in oven. Make your glaze. Serve warm drizzled with glaze. I topped mine with tapioca balls just for the pic...don't get carried away or you will end up like me. See ya next week! Debi @thegardenofeatin xoxo