Little Miss Party

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Luke's Mission to help

Luke has always spoken very loudly and I would often say Luke please, quiet down. Then he’d scream his face off while playing sports and come home with a lost voice and I’d really lose it. Like Luke…..please! Save your voice!

I realize today after posting my most recent story on Instagram that Luke…has the loudest voice.

Now when you say that out loud it makes me think of Roger Ailes of Fox news (that 7 part series was literally one of the most fascinating stories I have watched to date, crazy to be alive during this time) BUT with Luke’s loud voice, I have deep faith that he will use it to help save the world.

Every week I take Luke to a class uptown. At the turn onto the highway, not a safe place to stop, there is a homeless man who politely begs for money. Luke once asked if we could give him money. I explained that if he would like to give him money, that it is his decision and can come from his savings.

Luke would ask me but Mom, why don’t you want to give him some money?

I explained, it’s not that I don’t want to give him money, it’s just that if I give him money, I’m not sure what he will use it for. When I do make donations, I always make sure I know where the money is going and how it is helping whether through food, shelter, job opportunities, etc.

Luke got it. He totally understood what I was saying.

So the next time we drove by, he asked if he could give his bag of Bunny Grahams to the homeless man. I said absolutely if the bag is unopened you can give it to him. Luke rolled down his window as we made the turn and waved the bag so the man ran over. The man was elated, took the snack and shouted “bless you”!

Luke had the biggest smile on his face, I could tell his heart was swelling and he was so thrilled to help. We talked about how that made him feel and then he exploded with his ideas….



We need to make backpacks. We need to hand out backpacks to the homeless.

I screamed I LOVE THAT IDEA!

There is a place called Dollarama (where nothing is really just $1 anymore) that we’re obsessed with here in Toronto. They literally have the best stuff. I go all the time when I need a pick me up.

Luke and I started rattling off items that we considered to be essentials especially with the cold weather upon us….

Here’s what we were coming up with…

  • Mittens

  • Hat

  • Fruit (that is wrapped in something that holds up - apples, clementines which are so great for Vitamin C!)

  • Water bottles

  • Tissue

  • Socks (this one was important to Luke as he appreciates warm feet)

  • Sanitizer

We couldn’t wait to get to Dollarama to source this all!

When Luke and I hit the store to shop, we decided to start with one bag. We wanted to think through the items, review the receipt to create a budget and Luke also wanted to film a story to share his mission. He asked if we should collect donations so others could be a part of this exciting mission to help those who are less fortunate and I told him I thought that was a great way to use his voice….

What a thrill. I’m proud of the little guy.

After sharing Luke’s mission on the story today, the response we have received is truly heart busting. Thank you all for believing in Luke. He said to me tonight: Your followers are so generous!

He’s so right. Thank you all for the donations. He is so excited to build tons of great bags tomorrow!

This kid has so much heart. As many of you said and I so agree with, he’s such a mensch.


Want to donate to Luke’s mission to help him create more essential bags for the homeless? Donate here.