Little Miss Party

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Mandy's Meals & More

What better way to start a new year than to have a ladies night with fabulous company and food combined. This past weekend I had some of my closest girlfriends over for a dinner party that focused on healthy ingredients and creative new recipes. The following dish had several components all from separate blogs, food websites, etc. The scallops themselves were simply seared in butter and were plated with Corn coulis and Pickled persimmons. Garnish was pea shoots, chives, and a little bit of salt and pepper. Not only was the dish a crowd pleasure but it was also quite easy to make. To save time I started the pickling process the night before and the coulis was also made and kept in the fridge. The persimmons can be replaced by radishes, carrots, watermelon rind, etc. depending on what's in season. Hope everyone is having a great start to the year! M