Pinksgiving Party


By the last week of October, our whole team was ready to start thinking about the holidays! First of course being Thanksgiving. We usually don’t go too crazy for this holiday because November escapes us and we are crazed with events. So thats why this year we decided to do it right away and came up a theme that is so LMP - Pinksgiving!


Unlike many of our other shoots, we wanted this one to be authentic. So we each made our own dish and and invited our fave party girl Ali over for lunch to enjoy it with us.


We kept the table rather simple by just adding in a pink runner (this was just a regular table cloth that we bunched up in the center), a few candles, some bud vases, and some gorgeous clear candelabras.


Our favorite decor element that we added in was these pumpkins and gourds that we spray painted pink. They were so easy to make and they really made our table feel festive and “fall-ish”.


Seri, being the host that she is made a delicious mini turkey for the four of us. Her Aunti Marissa has the most delicious turkey recipe that you can follow!

Aunti Marissa's Signature Turkey Recipe

A classic, citrusy recipe.

Name of image (title of post is fine)

Prep time:

Cook time:

  • a turkey
  • garlic powder
  • onion powder
  • salt and pepper
  • paprika
  • seasame seeds
  • orange juice
  • whole wheat bread
  • sauteed mushrooms and onions
  • a grated apple
  • turkey stock

  1. Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl.
  2. Add orange juice to make a paste.
  3. Rub the paste generously all over and inside the turkey.
  4. Sprinkle a few extra sesame seeds on top.
  5. To stuff, mix together your bread (with crusts cut off), onions, mushrooms, and apple.
  6. Mix together your stock with salt and pepper to moisen your stuffing.
  7. Pour your left over orange juice to the bottom of the pan.
  8. Set in oven to bake over the recommeneded amount of time (depending on turkey size). Inside turkey temperature should reach 165.

I made a simple mashed potato recipe (it’s the only recipe I always nail!). The secret to good potatoes is….. 1. cream rather than regular milk, 2. LOTS of butter, and 3. using an electric mixer to make your potatoes nice and fluffy. Oh and salt, can’t forget the salt. If you want to spice up your recipe try adding in some garlic or cheese!

Maggie made both a delicious salad for us to enjoy as our appetizer as well as some pumpkin cupcakes for dessert (recipe to come next week!).

We had the best afternoon enjoying food, chatting, and spending time with our girl Ali who is due to be a mama very soon (and is absolutely glowing!!!!!).


Let us know how you’ll be spending the month of November in the comments below!
