Little Miss Party

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The Perfect Portrait

Our friend, super talented photographer, Karilyn Sanders, recently asked if she could take portrait photos of us.

I didn't really think through what Karilyn was asking to shoot here until she reached out to schedule a meeting to discuss the shoot. We never have meetings in advance of our shoots so I thought...hmmm....this is formal!

Karilyn walked us through the shots that we'd be taking, outfits we should plan for each and that she'd be having someone do our hair and make up the morning of.

So this was getting pretty exciting. Michelle and I plotted our outfits and came to work that day pumped up to get some photos taken.

Karilyn made me feel so at ease through the entire shoot (because truth be's a bit awkward taking photos ALONE). She told me exactly how to sit, stand, smile, raise my chin, turn my face, you name it. She did everything in her power to create the perfect portrait. At one point...she even asked Maggie to hold a hair dryer in my face to create a little wind....

I couldn't have been more thrilled with the turn out of these photos. And now we are stocked with images to use on our networking accounts, media kits and framed on our husband's desks.


For the details and pricing for Portraits with Karilyn you can email her here.

All photos above by Karilyn Sanders Photography