For the popcorn lovers

Are you a popcorn lover like me? I’m not super into sweets but I LOVE a good sweet + salty combo so for popcorn day, I took ONE hour to myself and made a special treat. Here’s how…

I took a few store bought donuts (because of course I made extras for the kids and my hubby, I drizzled on some frosting (also store bought but of course you can make from scratch if you’re crafty like that), topped with popcorn which stay put because the frosting acted like glue, drizzled more frosting on top and hit it with some sprinkles. I poured up a glass of wine and VOILA. What a perfect way to celebrate this absolutely ridiculous made up holiday.

Now because I love Maggie so much I let her have a popcorn topped donut and a glass of ice cold wine. Isn’t she lucky? As am I because really…who wants to sit in the sun, by a teal blue pool, eating a popcorn donut on your own?! NOT ME!
Happy Popcorn day, Lovers!

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