Holiday Parties Past


My absolute favorite day of the year with my team is our Christmas gift exchange and holiday party day. So even though all of 2020 has been really tough, the thought of not having a day all together to do alllllllllllll the holiday things with 3 of my favorite people is just unbearable!


We usually start off the day by bringing all of our gifts in and placing them all under the tree. We are crazy people over here, so everyone always has on brand wrapping paper.


Then we proceed to take tons of photos in our holiday outfits in front of our big pink tree. Last year we even got a make up artist to come in and make us look extra dolled up for our day!

Then for lunch we head out a restaurant that is just as festive as we are. There we laugh, we chat, and enjoy a delicious meal alongside some pretty cocktails. And you know Maggie is taking pictures every step of the way.


Once we’re back, Maggie and I usually go into holiday party mode setting up our office and styling all the decor! One year we did this awesome DIY photo hoop where we displayed all our favorite pictures from the year.

We’re always overly stocked with booze, and sometimes make a signature cocktail! One year Abby made this delicious holiday punch, and I still make it to this day because its great for a crowd!


Once the room is set, we do our gift exchange! This takes a long time because we all love buying gifts and we’re dang good at it.


After that, we set the food out. We always go for snacks that people can pick on all night long. Not very Covid friendly, but back then it was perfect!

And last but not least, we have DJ Wildman stop in to start spinning some tunes for our party. He always makes a specific playlist for the party that is a mix of holiday favorites and top songs from that year.


It’s really the best. I can’t wait till we’re all back together again so we can celebrate BIG. Until then, I’ll be holding these pics close to my heart ❤️