Throw your animal a Pet Pawty

When I was a little girl, we had a dog named Chum. I called him Chummy. He was in my life from birth until…

I was 14 and I came home from camp and Chummy…was no longer there. 💔

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It was shattering to me.

I never had another animal since except for….

Post-University, I lived with my dearest friend Lindsey and together with another friend of mine, we got her a cat for her birthday.


I think subconsciously, this gift was partly for me as well as Lindsey.

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We named the cat Izzy and she was our “dog” cat. She was so cool - she acted like a dog. ran around our house showing off her speed, Cuddled, hung out, modeled for us with her long arms. I loved her. She often slept on my back through the night.

When I moved to New York, and spent a few years apart from Izzy, I developed a massive allergy to cats. BUT… I never stoped loving them. I just could no longer be near them.

My mother, sister, aunts and friends all have cats. And some have dogs.

Animals, actually living things for that matter (I’m horrible with plants), are not for me in my old age. I have enough to take care of! But I so love visiting with my family’s pets.


Tessa, my sister’s cat, so I guess you could call her my feline niece, loves me and hates me.

I like to sometimes squeeze her because she really is so stunning and sometimes I want to kill her because she makes me sneeze.

I recently realized, that I throw a lot of parties for people. But not pets. And why not for pets? Better late than never I say!


I’m pretty excited to be partnering with Buzzfeed Pets to present you with my favorite “Pet Pawty” supplies to make for a puuuurrrfect party that your pet could care less about BUT your family will have a blast with.

Now like any party…though this will be one where the guest of honor truly could care less….you need a plan. Such as bow times and party hats for your cat…

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Join me Tuesday September 22nd on Amazon Live to get all my Pet Pawty tips and tricks and some special appearances from a few of my favorite pets.