Vanilla Bourbon Milkshake with a Cherry on Top


Are you ready for this?


To me, there is NOTHING like a cold, creamy milkshake on a hot day during the summer. And what better way to enjoy a milkshake with a little bit of bourbon in it?


Answer: there is none.  May 28th also happens to be National Burger Day, and burgers + milkshake = the most natural and American pairing since peanut butter and jelly.  So I whipped up this little boozy treat to help us all celebrate 'MURICA.


Here's what you'll need: -bourbon -vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt -milk -fresh cherries -ice cream scoop


Here's what to do: 1) Scoop out 3 scoops of your ice cream into your milkshake glass. 2) Measure out 1 oz of milk and 1.5 oz bourbon into the milkshake glass on top of the ice cream.


3) Use a tall spoon or straw to stir and blend ice cream, bourbon and milk. 4) Take one of your fresh cherries and stick on top of garnish.


That's it, you're done!


I hope you enjoy this while barbecuing burgers on a beach with your friends and family. Relax and enjoy the lovely warm weather!


See ya next week!