Eggcelent Easter Brunch

Since this is the first spring in our new house, I have been taking every opportunity to entertain. Easter was no exception, and it was the perfect excuse to invite over some of the incredible women I’ve met in my community.

I decided to serve brunch with a focus on one of my favorite recipes to make- deviled eggs. I found a fabulous egg tray from Target and piled the rest of the eggs on top of my bunny cake stand, which couldn’t be more perfect for easter. To make it more fun, I assembled a lazy susan full of toppings for the eggs, like pickles, chives, red peppers and more! Of course, we also had some beautiful splatter eggs to fill in as decor- find Maggie’s DIY tutorial here!

As I’m sure you could guess, I didn’t stop there. I made french toast casserole using a homemade challah, served fruit salad, and a selection of pastries from my local bakery. I wanted to finish off the table with a drink to match my navy, pale blue and black decor, so a simple Prosecco with a drop of berry flavoring did the trick!

Another special element on the table were these mini bouquet place cards that Maggie made for all the guests. She detailed the steps of the DIY here or you can watch how she made them here!

It was such a treat to have these incredibly successful women over to celebrate Easter and I hope this inspires your own celebration this year!