They say it's your birthday?

They say it’s your birthday….do do do do do do do do.
I have that Beatles song stuck in my head now!
No but really…is it your birthday? This post is not actually for you if it’s your birthday. This post is for you if you know someone like your kid, partner, friend or sister who is having a birthday! Whoever you’re celebrating…how about I guide you?

First, what’s the plan? Here are a few different ways you could celebrate a birthday:
* For a child: The night before their birthday, pick a room (ie. the kitchen) and decorate it to surprise them (and make them feel really special) when they wake up. Balloons, confetti, festive paper plates, cups, napkins and a birthday cake with candles. Boom. Your kid is heading to school on their birthday feeling like a million bucks.

* For your bestie: Host a few friends for cocktails before a night out (or in!). Pick a theme, like DANCING DIVA’S & DISCO (!!), get yourself some super cute decor to style your place with, devise a menu (like easy to heat apps: Trader Joe’s has my faves), Mix up a signature cocktail and press play on your most upbeat playlist.
(Same concept also works really well for a brunch!)

* For your sister, who lives in a different country: Gather Virtually! Is it old and tiring? Sure. But it’s also the way of our future. We have found a whole new way to connect and you know what? It comes in pretty handy! Since you may get some eye rolls from those who are sick of dialing in, you’ll want to make it extra fun…
Send each of your guests a box in advance. Fill it with cups, bubbly (or a gift card with a few bucks to their local grocery store to pick up a bevvie of their choice), easy to apply to a wall decor for a themed back drop (80’s party?!), a few balloons…you get the idea. No interest (or time) in building this and sending it out to everyone? No worries we got you. Click here to get started with our custom party in a box page!

For birthdays, I like to go the extra mile and personalize where possible. Cookies are always a hit no matter what age you’re turning so this is my go to. Also perfectly fitting with any of the plans you may choose as per my list above whether you’re setting the table or getting packaged cookies to ship to your loved ones.

For Gavin’s 12th birthday, Luke and I made him cupcakes and I had custom cookies made for his hockey team to hand out after the game that was on his birthday weekend. So for breakfast on his birthday I set a few of those cookies out to surprise him. For any cookie order that I do, I like to go with the small local businesses to support them like my Ponte Vedra fave The Cookie Rookery.

How about a cake? It’s a no brainer am I right? So easy to get, birthday candles are a must and you get to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

When it comes to cake, I have two favorites:
1. Grocery Store cake. Always and forever. I grew up on this cake and you know as well as I do, it’s simply the best. Why does it taste so stinking good??? Don’t you just love going to the grocery store and flipping through that plastic paged cake book with all the designs? For Luke’s 9th birthday party I wanted him to pick his own cake to ensure he would love it. He found a cake covered in Kit Kat bars and M&M’s. AMAZING!
2. Flour Shop: When the sprinkle cake trend began it sort of changed my life. I’m not a huge fan of desserts but the first time I tried this cake, I fell in love. The crunchiness of the sprinkles combined with spongey cake, it was heavenly. ANYONE would scream with delight the second they cut into this cake ensuring for a memorable birthday moment!

Now you don’t have to blow your budget here. It’s the thought that counts! A glass of Rosé or a cup of sparkling cider and a slice of cake make for the perfect celebration.

For everything else, leave it to us and order a Party in a Box so you don’t have to think about how to decorate and what to use on the table. You can build your own Party in a Box in our shop or choose from one of our fun themes, my favorite being FREAKY FRIDAY!

If you’re looking for ways to elevate the celebration, pick up some fresh flowers in the market and use a unique household item as the vase (like a teapot, empty champagne bottle, pickle jar that you spray paint, let your imagination run wild so you don’t have to go to the store to buy something new). For the last minute party details or items that you may not realize you need… Click over to our Party like Us page in our Amazon shop and you’ll find essentials like at home helium tanks, air pumps perfect for balloon garlands and more.

Now who’s ready to party?
Have questions? Ask them here in the comments and I’ll be sure to provide you with my best party poppin’ answers. Cheers!

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